Pleasant Grove Church of Christ history.
Local churches in the New Testament were not a part of some super-organization (or denomination), but were established through people obeying the gospel of Christ and desiring to work and worship together in local places (see the book of Acts for examples). As such, each church was autonomous or self-governing and independent. There were no denominational ties, conferences, synods, conventions, or any other kinds of official framework holding churches accountable to man-made organizational structures. However, genuine Christians who are concerned with pleasing the Lord understand that we are all accountable to the Lord, and that He is the head of the church of which we are members (Eph. 1:22-23). That is what the Pleasant Grove church of Christ is.
Almost thirty years ago, Richard Roper, one of the elders of the Pleasant Grove church, wrote of its beginning. It follows:
“In the early 1950s, there was a good number of Christians living in Pleasant Grove, but there was no church here. Some attended the Ensley church of Christ, some at Mulga and other nearby churches. The Ensley church had the greatest number of members from the Pleasant Grove area, and it began a move toward establishing a congregation in Pleasant Grove.
“First, lots were purchased large enough for the building, parking lot, and a residence for the preacher. The property faced on Park Road — # 305 was the address. In order to create interest in the new work, there were several tent meetings held on the lot. There were four meetings during the years of 1953-1956. The interest shown was good and good attendance was manifested.
“Bro. John T. Lewis, a pioneer preacher who established a number of churches of Christ in the Birmingham area, was instrumental in planning and getting the work under way. He preached at all four of the tent meetings and encouraged the new work very much. Also, many of the Ensley church members contributed financially toward the new building that was built.
“The foundation was laid in October, 1957, and the building was completed in the Spring, 1958. The first sermon was preached on the afternoon of Sunday, March 2, 1958. The building was overflowing with a large crowd, so much so that many had to stand in the aisles.
“Bro. John T. Lewis preached the first sermon that day. Then a week gospel meeting was held with different preachers each night.
“On Sunday March 9, the first regular worship service was held with 110 present, all local people. Some of our first members came from Ensley, Mulga, Wylam, Fairfield Highlands and Dolomite areas.
“Those members were very interested and full of zeal in getting the new work under way, and the attendance increased as time went on. Bro. Lewis continued to preach until we secured brother Hiram Hutto to work full time. He began his work on June 1.”
— Richard B. Roper, September 26, 1993
Since its beginning, preachers for the Pleasant Grove church have been.
Hiram Hutto, 1958-1964.
Owen Calvert, 1964-1970
Dick Ward, 1970-1976
Leo Plyler, 1976-1984
Richard Copeland, 1984-1991
Hollis Creel, 1991-1997
Stephen Russell, 1998-2005
Dwight Edwards, 2005-2016
Landon Manning & Phillip Owens, 2016-present